When Christine and I began scouting locations we looked at some places that were industrial and others that were in Druid Hill Park (not rural but certainly not industrial). My usual working practice would be to select one type of location but in this case Christine felt that we should utilize both environments. After thinking about it I decided to go along with this idea. I have had experience making both kinds of landscapes and I am not really sure which is better for this type of collaborative project. It seems to me that a reasonable approach is to try both and then decide which works better.
These are some of my industrial landscapes. They were made a long time ago in the stone ages before there was such a thing as digital photography. In spite of their age I think the imagery holds up quite well.

The following images are from a series of photographs that I made in the summers of 2004 to 2008. They were shot in northern coastal environments on both the east and west coasts of the United States.