(click to enlarge)
This piece really benefits from being viewed at a larger size. Seriously- click to see it bigger and then continue reading.
When I've been telling people about the results of this project I often find myself talking about Terry's compositing technique and how the image therefore contains far more information than one could see with just your eyes. This one does this both with the level of detail one can see within the image and in the composition. The location is so busy you simply can't take all this in at once when you're on site. We'll be printing this one at 2" x 3" I can't wait to see that. There's just so much information in this image I think that'll be spectacular.
I'm really happy with how the post-its worked to create the image, the vertical surface seems key for making this kind of work. Terry was particularly interested in how the floral pattern made out of little squares references how digital images are built- that they too are made from little pixels the handmade meets the digital (meets STAPLES).