Right after we finished the paper chain shoot we took a short drive over to the Green Building/10b back behind Clipper Mill. It was clear that the clouds would move out of the way while we were working and we'd be able to get started.
The center of the design was meant to wrap around the corner of the building which also made for a good place for two people to be able to start working on the gridded flower pattern in the same space so we knew everything would line up.

plans for the shoot involved about seven flowers but a good chunk of the space turned out to be in
accessible due to the overgrowth making an uneven surface for our ladder to stand on. A little quick thinking (or at least as quick as one can think after an hour or so in the sun) and I eliminated two of the flowers and moved another down to a more
accessible space.

My favorite part of the site has always been how morning sun impacts the light. One side of the building is super bright and the other much duller- I was excited about how the light was going impact the varying colors of paper on the sculptures.

The breeze ended up knocking a few of the post its over which added little bits of yellow along the edge of the building.
I try to take a "good picture" of each piece for my records even though I know Terry's will be far superior. My documentation for this piece is my favorite so far.

Just for fun, here's the back of my car for the day all filled with supplies for the three shots that day.