Artists and colleagues Christine Tillman and Terry Lansburgh are making "sculptures to be photographed". This blog will chronicle their collaboration.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Christine's Sketchbook-June 11th

I wrapped up my major school obligations yesterday-reports and preparing my room for the possibility that camp might decide to use it. It hit me when talking to Christine Broening  about what Terry and I were going to do how much what I had to do for school was impacting my ability to think about some of the details of this project. Since I document practically everything I know I've been working hard and making progress but since there still some loose ends I've been feeling a little antsy about getting to work.
Since the earliest stages of the proposal Terry and I have been saying we'll work for two weeks each over a three week period. That I'd work alone making things the first week, we'd shoot together in the second and Terry would work digitally in the third week.

On a calender would look like this:
June 22-26th  Christine works in studio
June 29th -July 3rd Christine and Terry shoot on location
July 6th-10th Terry works digitally

In reality might our shooting schedule be more dependent on weather and access to the site?Absolutely, but we're still a little far off for that part.

I think when talking about to people just learning about the project it I've been saying I'll be sculpting in the studio. I think that's thrown me off. While there will be lots of hands on construction I think it's going to look more like going to Party City, cutting flower shapes out of paper, punching holes, and making map drawings on big sheets of graph paper. It's not going to look like this kind of sculpting.

I've been a little anxious that I don't have an exact map for each piece yet at this point. Last night while working in my studio I came to the conclusion that that was just silly. Making the map drawings are one of the biggest things I have to do that week before we shoot. I don't know why I thought I needed to have that part done already. A full week in the studio is glorious, and a tremendous amount of time. I finally feel right on schedule.