Artists and colleagues Christine Tillman and Terry Lansburgh are making "sculptures to be photographed". This blog will chronicle their collaboration.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Christine's Studio- June 24th

Wednesday was equally productive but exhausting. I tackled the drawing map for the hill which will be a repeatable plaid pattern. The hill is absolutely HUGE we're talking something like 60 x 70 feet and is going to be quite difficult to pull off in the middle of a functional disc golf course without permission. I've set up the pattern so that the grass will be the dominant color in the pattern but I'll still go through two reams of green and teal paper just to accomplish this. 

I started by making a couple of different patterns thinking afterwards I'd look at them and decide what would be best. About noon I hit a wall and started thinking of who I could contact to help me work out the idea- having someone to bounce ideas off is invaluable. Unfortunately I was on my own and cats aren't that helpful in this regard.

Here's an image of my studio floor at about noon. I was throwing everything I didn't like on the floor. Ironically I ended up keeping the drawing on the left.

Here's a quick shot of the final pattern. The pattern covers two pieces of paper, and since this piece will be made like the Dandelion Landscape using 8.5" x 11" copy paper and golf tees I had to alter the graph paper to reflect rectangular proportions.

Here's all the maps sitting in the flat file. I'll be laminating them Thursday so they'll be usable on site.

I'm also making this tiny paper chain out of quilling paper for another piece. Everything exists on such a big scale except this one- we're trying something different.

The flowchart is changing like mad. On the left are all the post it's I don't need anymore and now the notes all reflect things that I still need to know about the shot or do, the notes say things like "afternoon shot", "waiting for permission", "need assistants" and one little green note says "ready".