Thursday was spent doing studio work outside the studio. First a run to Staples and Party City for returns and new supplies. Then a trip to Park School to use the Laminator and Drill Press.

Here's the laminator in action. Laminating the map drawings is key it makes them far more durable on site. The plastic protects them from dewy grass and general dirtyness and since the maps use grids to show how the image is put together we can basically cross of what's been done so we can keep track of where we're at while still keeping the integrity of the map. I tried to make the maps really aesthetically beautiful while at the same time keeping them highly functional. Maybe we'd want to display these someday.
For the hill piece copy paper will be held on the grass in a plaid pattern with golf tees. Having holes ahead in the paper makes a big difference. Last time I did this by had because I only needed one ream of paper. This time I'm using 5 reams. Doing this by hand with a drill punch would probably not be wise for someone with tendonitis. Thanks to advice from my pal
KyleI used the woodshop's drill press to drill 500 holes at a time.

Sadly, a good hour of my day was spent stuck on 83. My usual thirteen minute drive took sixty. There was an accident on my off ramp that cleared up right as I reached it.