The book chronicles John Pfhal's images of particularly over the top landscaping and plants and runs the gamut from topiary, to enormous fig trees, prize winning pumpkins, and a new planting next to a highway in Tuscon.
Rebecca Solnit's essay chronicles gardening from Eden to landscaping and gardening trends through British and American history along with a little evolution of the circus and freak show thrown in for good measure. She makes a good case for the over the top landscaping that Pfhal chronicles and the essay is illustrated completely with Pfhal's collection of vintage postcards of horticultural wonders like faux giant apples.
Of course this inspired a Friday jaunt to the Ladew Topiary Gardens which is considered by the Garden Club of America to be "the most outstanding topiary garden in America." YES!
I've lived in Maryland for 7 years and only now gone to visit this?
I was kind of hoping for a wee bit more kitsch, but the football field length of hedge topped with topiary swans would have to do.