Back in April this was the last site we picked like all our sites it's so much greener now. Terry likes this tree (although I think the leaves will blow in the wind and drive him a little crazy on the shoot!) and I like that I can connect the tree to the bench. The fact that there's really just two things to work with with this site other than the grass is forcing me to work more three dimensionally- which was something I had wanted to do going into the project.
I knew I wanted to connect the bench to the tree and work with streamers but it wasn't till I was actually in the store looking at the streamers that I knew exactly how this was going to work.

I've always liked how at the party supply store everything is arranged by color. When you walk down the aisle you walk past row after row of endless stacks of cups, paper plates, curling ribbon, and paper streamers. I'm drawn to party supplies because I think that they rarely live up to the way they look at the store. They're supposed to bring such joy to a space but in reality white streamers can look just like skinny toilet paper.
I like how colors are arranged in the world of retail. Sweaters at the Gap, streamers at Party City, Fiestaware at Macy's- piles of little colors in order. I decided to use this color order that I think about and I'll be running a dense striped twisting gradient that tapers to a point from in the 30 feet from the bench to the tree. Below is my preparatory drawing even if it's missing the bench part.