Artists and colleagues Christine Tillman and Terry Lansburgh are making "sculptures to be photographed". This blog will chronicle their collaboration.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Christine's Studio- Needlepoint Books

I like that any image can be simplified down into just little blocks of color. That this low-tech almost medieval method of making images work is exactly the same as the way pixels function on the computer. Which is another reason why I think working in grid based imagery is sort of a witty way to make digital photographs at over 300 dpi.
 I started making drawings this way when I hurt my wrist (which is in a brace right now thanks to comment writing, drawing, and end of year high fiving). I collect lots of pattern, botanical, and needlepoint books from Baltimore's own Book Thing.
 I'm drawn to these found images but I think the imagery in the pieces we're about to make will probably be generated by me instead.