First and foremost- we're ready to shoot!
See all those little green post it notes on the flowchart? Those say ready. The hill doesn't have one yet because we're still trying to schedule assistants- otherwise-good to go. Expect more updates about our plans but also photos from the shoots next week! Everything has to be done on my end so I can head to Chicago for a good friend's wedding.

We're doing six shoots and in order to keep track of what stuff goes where I've been making lists in my sketchbook of the materials needed for each shoot and gathering them together ahead of time. In this picture I've just finished cutting lengths of string and making a
Ziploc bag full of stuff to take to the Niagara Falls shoot first thing Monday morning. I'm all about organizing things in
Ziploc freezer bags. I keep a big bag in my studio, especially when I'm working with
mylar so my cats don't eat it.
I had to run to school to pick up this bag for one of the shoots. I bought it when I first came to Baltimore from some dollar store and it's super durable and has hauled supplies to almost every install I've been on since living here including
this piece that started Terry and
I's collaboration back in the day.
I had used it to take a bunch of things to school and left it in the supply closet when cleaning up my classroom for "camp".

I realized after yesterday's errands that I needed more golf tees to pull off the hill piece. Last time I was only working with 300 sheets of paper. This time it's well over 1000. That means I'll need at least 2000 golf tees. I'm about 3/4 of the way there at this point.
Finally my Studio assistant was being a big help today here he is organizing my schedule and making sure supplies are in order.